
Level Access: Transforming Digital Accessibility, Enabling Compliance

Tim Springer

Founder & CEO

“Our objective is to create a world where digital experiences cater to every person’s unique needs.”

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, digital accessibility—that is, the process of making digital platforms, websites, and applications accessible for users with disabilities—has become a paramount business concern. Failure to comply with state, federal, and international accessibility laws lands companies in legal hot water. So much so that, according to legal firm Seyfarth Shaw, LLP, more than 14,000 web accessibility lawsuits were filed in federal court between 2017 and 2022 in the U.S. alone, with plaintiffs citing an inaccessible website as a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). And this number doesn’t include the suspected hundreds of thousands of demand letters sent to companies every year over accessibility barriers encountered on their digital properties.

But digital accessibility is more than just a legal compliance obligation. Organizations are waking up to the fact that ensuring their websites, software, apps, and products are accessible for all is a strategic advantage—enabling businesses to serve more online users, supporting a commitment to inclusion, and improving brand reputation.

“Beyond solving for legal risk, we want to help our clients deliver substantively useful experiences for people with disabilities,” says Tim Springer, Founder and CEO, Level Access.

Springer founded Level Access almost 25 years ago with one objective: to create a world where digital experiences meet every user or visitor’s unique needs so that digital technology can become a profound, empowering force for everyone. The Level Access solution, , enables organizations to do just that.

“Our goal is to make digital accessibility simple and achievable for every organization, regardless of their size, their maturity, or the complexity of their digital experiences,” says Springer.

The Level Access solution uniquely combines a comprehensive software platform with the industry’s deepest bench of accessibility expertise. Its tooling and integrations support embedding accessibility in every stage of the digital experience creation life cycle—a process Level Access describes as agile accessibility. And Springer says a solution that supports embedded, integrated accessibility is critical for sustainable success. “Most modern organizations build software or digital experiences using an agile or iterative approach,” explains Springer. “If you can incorporate accessibility into this approach, it’s a much more efficient and sustainable way to ensure compliance, mitigate legal risk, and truly meet customer needs than working backwards to remediate an already-broken digital experience.”

The Level Access Platform supports digital experience creators with design and development tools along with testing, monitoring, and reporting capabilities. The ability to track accessibility status and remediation progress through a centralized system-of-record, whether at the digital property level or across an entire portfolio, makes reporting on compliance with targeted standards easy Meanwhile, Level Access’s accessibility experts function as an extension of clients’ teams, offering services including technical guidance, legal and strategic support, and role-specific accessibility training. It’s a scalable solution that supports world-leading brands including Adobe, Samsung, Visa, Merck, United Airlines, Harvard University, and thousands more.

Ultimately, Springer concludes, Level Access aims to redefine the way businesses think about digital accessibility. “Our objective is to create a world where digital experiences cater to every person’s unique needs. Achieving this means more than providing solutions—it means being a true partner to our customers. By supporting our customers at every stage of their accessibility journeys, we can have a tremendous impact on the world.”