
De-Risking Data to Leverage its Potential in the Safest Manner Possible

OneTrust, the market-defining leader for trust intelligence, has officially announced the launch of new enhancements to help organizations discover, secure, and responsibly use data. Although bearing varying design and nature, each of these enhancements is geared towards helping you activate data responsibly, surface and mitigate risk, and navigate the complex regulatory environment. Talk about the whole value proposition on a slightly deeper level, we begin from the promise of activating data responsibly. Here, the solution enables you, for starters, to leverage a solution in OneTrust Data Discovery, which basically simplifies the process of spotting potential security and compliance issues. Once the stated issues have been duly identified, the solution automatically transitions to applying the right policies so to reduce data risk. Complimenting the same would be an enhanced Data Classification Engine that simplifies configuration and customization for structured and unstructured data. It also brings to the fore more than 300 out-of-the box classifiers for improved accuracy. Anyway, next up, we have improvements made to OneTrust AI Governance, improvements that are to help govern the use of AI without slowing down innovation. Practically speaking, this involves a new AI Inventory Graph and Enhanced Data Graph which can visualize the components of AI systems in use, and therefore, help users better understand their dependencies. There are also in play a set of Enhanced Governance Automation Rules that let users tailor workflow rules to their specific requirements, and that too, without any developer help.

Moving on to the platform’s potential when it comes to surfacing and mitigating risks, the stated pursuit would see OneTrust IT & Security Risk Management offering Dynamic Risk Workflows to reduce time spent manually reviewing risk from one workflow stage to the next. Joining the same is a third-party risk management feature, which allows users to streamline vendor evaluations and AI Governance with Third-Party AI Usage Tracking. Markedly enough, teams can ensure effective risk management and secure vendor AI integration by initiating AI risk management workflows directly from within vendor assessments, as well as by syncing information across inventories. Building upon that is a third-party due diligence mechanism. This particular mechanism presents an easier way to keep your third-party ecosystem in check. Hence, whenever a third-party no longer needs oversight, Termination of Monitoring stops their daily monitoring on a case-by-case basis. To go with that, OneTrust has also introduced a OneTrust Compliance Automation facility, where you can centrally manage and automate compliance initiatives across regulations, standards, and frameworks. Furthermore, users should be able connect to external systems, automatically collect evidence, and map it to controls with Automated Evidence Collection. On top of that, they can also leverage Enterprise and Inventory-specific Controls to eliminate redundant control records and drive consistency of controls operating across different parts throughout the business. In regards to identifying and mitigating risks, OneTrust even has in store an Ethics Program Management feature, which offers Data Redaction for Disclosures to redact personal data from disclosure forms, thus providing an extra layer of privacy and security to the stated process.

Finally, there is the goal of more seamlessly navigating through a complex regulatory landscape. This goal will be achieved through redesigning of the world’s largest regulatory research platform. Such a revamp, in turn, will allow a more straightforward pathway to generate and apply smarter insights. The stated functionality will arrive in conjunction with AI-powered navigation and a new built-in OneTrust Copilot so to help users seamlessly get the answers they need. Making the whole aspect even better is how the entire regulatory content available here will be tailored to user’s profile, and in case that’s not enough, users can also expect an Automated Sandbox Creation feature to optimize configurations and reduce the risk of issues.

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