
Legal Soft: The Virtual Legal Staffing Company

Hamid Kohan

President & CEO

“Our staff are constantly consulting with the clients about how to structure a law firm, how to automate it, how to get better results, higher settlements, everything. So, our team members act as the knowledge base for clients”

We often perceive law firms as fundamentally different from other corporations or organizations. However, it's essential to recognize that law firms operate similarly to other businesses, concerned with operational costs and business development. They aim for growth not only by attracting and retaining clients, but also by optimizing their workflows for cost-efficiency and effectiveness. This is where Legal Soft plays a crucial role.

Legal Soft is an all-in-one practice management firm dedicated to helping law firms and their clients reduce business costs through providing a dynamic workforce that supports both backend and front-end operations. Legal Soft’s primary mission is to enable lawyers to focus on practicing law by providing cost-efficient and effective solutions to the law firm's business expansion. By hiring a diverse team and offering comprehensive support, Legal Soft allows lawyers and practitioners to maximize their time and efforts on their clients and cases.

Legal Soft was founded by Hamid Kohan after he spent two decades in the heart of tech development and an additional ten years addressing software challenges in Silicon Valley. Hamid set his sights on an industry that seemed worlds apart from his previous ventures: the legal sector. As the Chief Operating Officer of five prestigious law firms, he witnessed firsthand the stark contrast between the rapid advancements in technology and the stagnant, traditional practices of legal operations.

This experience unveiled a crucial realization: law firms were vastly underserved by modern technology. Daily inefficiencies and outdated methods dominated, hindering not just productivity but also the potential for growth and client satisfaction. Determined to address this gap, Hamid embarked on an ambitious path to revolutionize how law firms operate, blending his deep tech acumen with a visionary approach to legal workflows.

By 2019, Hamid's vision had culminated in the creation of LegalSoft, a company designed to bridge the divide between legal expertise and technological innovation. Legal Soft started by analyzing the daily bottlenecks in typical law firm operations, from client intake processes to case management and document handling. Each identified problem was met with a bespoke technological solution, integrating advanced software tools with streamlined workflow processes.

Today, Legal Soft works with over 1,000 law firms across 12 different practice areas, from personal injury to employment law, providing innovative software solutions and virtual staffing services. As the largest legal staffing company in the industry, Legal Soft has amassed global offices in six countries and manages a team of over 2,000 virtual legal staff who specialize in various aspects of legal administration and case management.

The core of Legal Soft’s offerings lies in its dual approach: tailored software solutions paired with expert virtual legal staffing. The software suite includes specific tools designed for case tracking, document management, and client communication, ensuring that all phases of legal operations are integrated and automated at the highest standard. Meanwhile, the virtual staffing service offers law firms access to a global pool of legal professionals who can be engaged on-demand, reducing the need for extensive in-house staff and the associated overhead costs.

Hamid Kohan’s leadership has been instrumental in shaping the company’s strategy and ethos. He often shares insights from his journey, emphasizing that "the practice of law should not be overshadowed by the business of managing a law firm." Under his guidance, Legal Soft has simplified the management aspects of law practices while enhancing the ability of lawyers to focus on their core competencies, thereby improving client outcomes and firm profitability.

A key part of improving client outcomes and firm profitability revolves around Legal Softs' process of outsourcing virtual work which is crucial for law firms looking to optimize their backend operations. Key roles such as paralegals, case managers, document collectors, intake specialists, legal assistants, and virtual attorneys are essential yet can be expensive to staff in-house. By utilizing virtual professionals, law firms can significantly cut costs related to salaries, office space, and training.

Additionally, virtual legal staffing allows firms to access a broader talent pool beyond local candidates, enhancing service quality and flexibility. This approach reduces overhead while improving adaptability -- enabling law firms to efficiently manage fluctuating workloads and maintain a competitive edge in the legal market.

Legal Soft approaches outsourced work in two ways: first, by finding out what roles their client needs fulfilled, and then by orchestrating and supplying a diverse workforce from all around the world. “By understanding the needs of our clients, we’re able to find candidates from all over the world who can assist them in their cases,” Kohan says. Not only is this cost-efficient, easily processed, and timely, but the deployment of virtual legal staffers is met by consistent client- oversight.

Legal Soft enhances its service offerings by providing specialized training to its virtual staff on specific case management software -- noting that recognizing familiarity with these tools is essential for efficiency and client satisfaction. This strategic partnership with leading software companies like Clio, Neos, Filevine, Casepeer, and Smart Advocate allows Legal Soft to offer tailored training programs. These programs ensure that their virtual staff are not just familiar with the software but are proficient in utilizing its features to optimize law firm operations.

"Our staff are constantly consulting with the clients about how to structure a law firm, how to automate it, how to get better results, and how to get larger settlements.” This approach not only prepares the staff to handle the technical aspects of their roles but also equips them with the knowledge to suggest improvements and optimizations in workflows, contributing to better client outcomes and higher settlements.

Moreover, this close collaboration with software providers ensures that Legal Soft’s team remains up to date with the latest updates and features, further enhancing their ability to serve clients effectively. This ongoing education is part of Legal Soft’s commitment to excellence and is a cornerstone of their strategy to empower law firms to scale efficiently and manage their challenges more effectively, especially in virtual settings.

At Legal Soft, Step 1 is the initiation phase where Legal Soft’s team familiarizes itself with its client’s specific needs, whereas Step 2 focuses on translating that understanding into action. This involves the interview and screening process, during which virtual assistants are carefully matched to Legal Soft’s clients based on the client's precise requirements Following this, Step 3 is dedicated to the onboarding of all virtual assistants, ensuring they are fully trained and updated on the firm’s standards, practices, and the specific nuances of each firm's operations.

Further, all virtual legal assistants placed within a law firm are monitored using Legal Soft’s innovative software, Practice 360. Within the virtual staff management toolkit, Legal Soft clients can have oversight of their virtual assistants, including time-tracking and payroll management systems. Daily reports are housed in Practice 360 which links virtual assistants with their daily work efforts. Allowing full coverage and oversight available to the client.

Law firms have the flexibility to onboard as many virtual assistants as they require, starting at just $12 an hour. Each virtual legal assistant comes equipped with a background in law and specialized knowledge, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution for handling all casework. This approach not only saves time but also significantly reduces financial outlays. "On average, we have about four staff members per law firm," Kohan notes, "though some of our clients scale up to as many as 40 legal assistants based on their needs." This customizable virtual staffing model is tailored to meet each client’s specific employment and case management requirements, ensuring optimal support and efficiency.

Legal Soft intends to help their clients enhance their workforce productivity, streamline wage and workforce management processes in a holistic and easy manner that alleviates the burdens placed on individual practitioners. In these ways, law firm workflows are totally transformed. With a new way to accrue efficient virtual work by trained assistants, have insight and overview on their processes and day-to-day operations, and by allowing their clients to have more time to work on their own responsibilities, Legal Soft promises global talent and real results.

Legal Soft intends to help their clients enhance their workforce productivity, and streamline wage and workforce management processes holistically and easily -- alleviating the burdens placed on individual practitioners. In these ways, law firm workflows are transformed in their entirety.

Additionally, within Practice 360, there are several alternative business management options made accessible to clients, if they decide they want to further optimize their practices. These include lead generation management, brand growth, marketing evaluations, as well as social media and website management. All these dimensions are important for law firms to keep in mind as they unlock their true growth potential through Legal Soft’s valuable expertise and management solutions.

Kohan emphasizes the importance for law firms and practitioners to fully grasp the benefits of partnering with an all-in-one solutions provider like Legal Soft, which is not just available but essential. "If you're not on that train, you're going to be left behind,” he warns. Legal Soft is dedicated to scaling client growth, slashing costs, and boosting efficiencies, thereby enabling lawyers to focus on their core legal responsibilities rather than burdensome administrative tasks. “These services are made available to all our clients so that they can go and practice what they went to law school for. Leave the rest of it behind to us, very easily and inexpensively too,” Kohan asserts.