
One Step Ahead: Leveraging Strategic Human Behavior Analysis for Enhanced Security Measures

By Christine Gagnon, President, INTERNOVECO

Human Behavior Analysis is emerging worldwide as an indispensable pillar in the complex world of global security. At the intersection of theory and practice, this approach provides security professionals with essential tools for seeing, understanding and acting in a variety of situations. Let’s explore the fundamental aspects of behavioral analysis, its application in different areas of security, and its crucial role in protecting the public in the face of various threats.

Behavioral analysis is a key cornerstone in the security field, providing invaluable insights into human actions, patterns and intentions. While traditional security measures focus on reinforcing physical barriers and implementing state-of-the-art technologies, understanding people’s behavior is just as essential in guarding against potential threats. This article explores the importance of behavioral analysis in security, digging into its definition, concepts and central role in identifying and preventing security breaches. By harnessing the power of behavioral analysis, organizations can proactively improve their security measures and create a safer environment for individuals and assets. These multiple applications underline the need for a holistic approach, where behavioral analysis acts as a common thread uniting these fields.


The three pillars of behavior analysis are crucial to an effective, holistic approach. Firstly, the use of several disciplines from the behavioral sciences form our toolbox, offering a diversity of approaches to interpreting and observing human interactions. Secondly, predictive profiling is emerging as an essential assessment method, enabling us to predict and categorize potential behaviors. Finally, understanding Behavioral Analysis Detection forms the analysis protocol, using observation of attitudes, interactions and behaviors for a thorough understanding of situations. These three pillars grouped together in an expertise, make for a solid foundation to a complete and informed behavioral analysis.


Behavioral analysis is based on a solid theoretical framework, embracing the field of behavioral sciences. These disciplines explore activities and interactions, theorizing empirical data to interpret decision-making processes and communication strategies. It is at this meeting point that behavior prediction, grouped under the term “predictive profiling,” is born.


Predictive profiling encompasses behavioral assessment methods designed to predict and categorize behavioral potential. Systems such as the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) are used to evaluate information and analyze observed changes, paving the way for a deeper understanding of human behavior.


Behavioral Analysis Detection involves using a protocol to identify individuals, groups or situations by observing attitudes, interactions, behaviors and activities. This approach is proving particularly effective in fields as diverse as cybercrime, investigation, physical security and even artificial intelligence.

Scientific validation is crucial in the field of human sciences. By following a rigorous methodology, from the initial question to the execution of statistical tests, analysts can explain the meaning of an action in a reliable manner and in line with the requirements of the scientific approach.


Live analysis requires the ability to interpret sudden bodily occurrences. This interpretation, combined with consideration of the environment and biases, enables the creation of crucial strategic questions. Each gesture is registered and coded, providing a solid basis for further analysis.

To gather information to create intelligence, professionals trained in behavioral analysis are able to detect non-verbal and verbal indicators, check congruence between voice and body movements and ask strategic questions based on gestures correlating voice tone and linguistic markers. Information gathering becomes a powerful weapon when accompanied by precise behavioral analysis.


Using body clues to detect threats in a crowd is another concrete application of behavioral analysis. By acting before it’s too late, professionals can save lives based on fundamental principles such as coping strategies and mental states visible on the body and observed through behavior.

In conclusion, being equipped with the latest research findings in human behavior analysis gives safety professionals unrivalled accessibility to identify, assess and make decisions in the face of risk by combining scientific methods, in-depth behavioral analysis and practical applications.

By merging these latest discoveries with comprehensive training in operations and analysis, it catapults key departments to maximum efficiency. Whether in intelligence and investigation, physical security, human resources, legal, management and leadership, healthcare, or cybersecurity, behavioral analysis is proving indispensable for proactively anticipating, preventing and resolving complex challenges in the industry of security.

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