
Recovery Point: The Beacon of Expertise in Data Protection & Recovery

Jack Dziak

Executive Chairman & CEO

“Our solutions are configured to protect against a wide range of disruptions, from cyberattacks to natural disasters, ensuring that businesses can maintain continuity under various scenarios.”

The frequency and severity of ransomware attacks and other cyber events are driving increased scrutiny on resiliency planning, risks to critical systems and infrastructure, and the processes required to fully recover business environments. As these security threats evolve in complexity and frequency, businesses face several pressing challenges. Firstly, the need for robust and frequent testing of recovery plans is critical. Traditional once-a-year testing is no longer sufficient to ensure preparedness against modern cyber threats. Moreover, the growing complexity of IT environments, with hybrid multi-cloud infrastructures becoming the norm (and the changes in configuration of infrastructure, applications and processes associated with ever-shifting production environments), adds to the challenge by increasing the risk of “drift” and the need for consistent data protection across all platforms.

To address these challenges, Recovery Point Systems, a pioneer in cyber resiliency, disaster recovery, and business continuity solutions, offers tailored, cutting-edge solutions designed to enhance disaster recovery preparedness and minimize downtime. “At Recovery Point, our approach to cyber resiliency, disaster recovery, and business continuity is rooted in a holistic, integrated strategy designed to ensure operational resilience across all levels of an organization. Our solutions are configured to enable business resiliency in the face of a wide range of disruptions, from cyberattacks to natural disasters, ensuring that businesses can maintain continuity under various scenarios,” begins Jack Dziak, Executive Chairman & CEO, Recovery Point.

Ensuring Robust Protection and Rapid Recovery
Recovery Point’s solutions are tailored to ensure customer environments are recoverable and resilient in the face of cyberattacks, offering features such as frequent and automated testing, drift management, immutability, air-gapping, cleanroom capabilities, and resiliency orchestration. These capabilities are designed to ensure robust protection, resiliency, and rapid recovery, minimizing downtime, and maintaining operational continuity. With a comprehensive suite of tools and practices, Recovery Point stands out in the market, providing resiliency and reliability in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Recovery Point's cyber resiliency services are meticulously designed to swiftly recover from potential cyber threats, beginning with rigorous continuity planning and critical systems and data prioritization. Thorough business impact analyses and detailed disaster recovery plans, coupled with regular testing, ensure robust and resilient systems. Advanced data protection features, such as immutable backups and air-gapping, safeguard against data tampering and cyber intrusions at time of recovery and during testing. With isolated recovery environments and a team of experts across multiple platforms, Recovery Point delivers end-to-end coverage, ensuring efficient post-event recovery.

Moreover, the Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) offering provides robust disaster recovery orchestration services, supporting traditional and hybrid cloud environments. The Managed Resiliency service extends fully managed disaster recovery down to the server and application level, integrating advanced automation technology with expert planning and management. Additionally, business continuity services include comprehensive System Impact and Business Impact Analyses, ensuring swift and efficient response to incidents. In addition to these, the company’s Hybrid Cloud Disaster Recovery solutions leverage flexible, scalable, and cost-efficient hybrid cloud architectures to orchestrate recovery across multiple environments, empowering businesses to remain resilient and responsive in the face of disruptions.

Recovery Point also recently announced significant innovations across three key areas aimed at enhancing the company’s disaster recovery and cyber resiliency services. First, the company’s Managed Resiliency service has undergone substantial advancements, incorporating extensive automation to facilitate more frequent and effective DR testing across multiple platforms – x86, power systems, and mainframe architectures. The company’s Resiliency Console boasts a powerful dashboard providing real-time insights, enabling to identify system weaknesses, track recovery processes, and understand interdependencies between devices and applications. This collaborative environment also includes system monitoring and ticketing, offering an additional layer of protection for clients' DR plans in the event of a cyberattack.

Towards Resilience and Peace of Mind
One of the company’s key strengths is the unique ability to assist clients in preparing for and recovering from cyber threats and attacks. By focusing on foundational aspects such as immutability, air-gapping, and the frequency of recovery plan updates and tests, Recovery Point provide clients with a comprehensive recovery and resiliency plan that can withstand even the most dynamic threats. At Recovery Point, this is not just a part of what they do—it's the specialization, passion, and daily mission. “We are dedicated to empowering organizations to navigate the complex landscape of cyber threats and ensure continuity in the face of adversity. With our expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence, we stand ready to partner with clients in their journey towards resilience and peace of mind,” adds Dziak.

Second, the Recovery Point cyber resiliency solutions have evolved to focus on robust business continuity planning, DR testing, immutability, air-gapping, and cleanroom solutions. “While some of these technologies are not new, our innovative processes and execution set us apart. We deliver resiliency and complex recovery – that’s all we do. Such focus enables us to concentrate our operational processes, technologies, and resources against one outcome – business resiliency. We have a robust roadmap for cyber resiliency, with continuous releases planned for threat detection and backup scanning in the near term. These developments not only underscore our commitment to innovation but also ensure that we remain at the forefront of the disaster recovery industry, delivering unparalleled value and peace of mind to our clients,” explains Dziak.

Teamwork, Integrity, and Innovation
The cornerstone of Recovery Point's value proposition lies in its commitment to being a "pure play" provider of disaster recovery and resiliency services. Unlike other providers who may dilute their focus by managing customer production environments, the company’s sole mission is to deliver recovery outcomes that meet its customers' resiliency requirements around the clock, 365 days a year. This singular focus translates into operational, technical, and economic flexibility that sets Recovery Point apart from its competitors.

Recovery Point as a company has a rich history dating back to 1982 when it was established as “First Federal”, initially operating as a tape vaulting company. Officially founded as Recovery Point Systems in 1999, the company has since evolved into a leading provider of resiliency and recovery services. With over 40 years of experience in delivering complex and varied resiliency solutions, Recovery Point is uniquely positioned as a pure play provider in the industry. Leveraging decades of expertise, the company has transitioned into a specialized focus on ransomware recovery and cyber resiliency. This refined expertise and proven track record uniquely position Recovery Point to address the rapidly evolving market demands.

At Recovery Point, the company’s work culture is deeply rooted in its core values: Clients First, Delivery Excellence, Teamwork, Integrity, and Innovation. These principles not only guide its commitment to service excellence and client-centricity but also shape a dynamic work environment that fosters collaboration and continuous improvement. “This culture and commitment to values is often a selling point to potential clients, where our focus on delivering tailored, high-quality disaster recovery solutions is a key factor in their decision-making process. Customers – current and prospective - are impressed with our white-glove service approach and our emphasis on innovative, client-first solutions,” extols Dziak.

In his own words, Dziak points that, “All my life, I’ve been an avid reader. I soak up a wide range of subject matter regularly – because my interests are wide, and my curiosity is a bit unbound. My formal academic and early career training was in the “dismal science” – economics and finance. That taught me early on to always ask “why?” and “how can we do better?” and in the highly fluid and uncertain world of technology, frequent inspection and challenging of conventional wisdom and “foregone conclusions” serves a business well. That approach – along with a team at Recovery Point that shares the same curiosity and “never settle for less than perfect” approach to customer service – has served us well. It informed our approach to resetting our strategy in 2023 to focus on cyber resiliency and hybrid recovery and has helped us carve out a stake in the market that has customers, channel partners and competitors taking notice.”

A Strategic Growth Plan
Looking ahead, Recovery Point is poised for strategic growth, focusing on expanding our reach through a select number of impactful go-to-market (GTM) partnerships. These partnerships are with managed services providers who handle complex, multi-platform production environments including x86, power, and mainframe systems; companies at the forefront of cybersecurity who need a reliable resiliency partner to ensure business continuity pre- and post-attack; and technology service providers that offer comprehensive end-to-end production and recovery solutions. “These strategic alliances are set to significantly enhance our footprint in the security services and solutions provider space. With that comes the opportunity for geographic expansion by extending our service footprint in tandem with our strategic go-to-market partners. Nothing is off the table,” concludes Dziak.