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Alacrinet Consulting Services:

Detect, Prevent & Protect

Top 10 Security Consulting Solution Providers 2022

A-LIGN: Cybersecurity Compliance and Audit Services

Small and medium-sized enterprises may find cybersecurity to be a frightening issue. In addition to the expense and technical knowledge necessary to implement adequate safeguards, ensuring that a company's data and security policies comply with industry requirements may be difficult. A-LIGN, a Tampa-based firm, seeks to fill that need. Read More…

CRANIUM: Mitigating the Risks in Privacy and Security

To become GDPR compliant, policies and processes need to be revised and implemented. CRANIUM aids a company in determining the personal data it holds and how it is currently maintained. Following this evaluation, CRANIUM designs a GDPR preparation strategy. At CRANIUM, they envision a world in which every trustworthy company is concerned about people's privacy and data. Furthermore, trustworthy businesses foster a culture and atmosphere that is resistant to security threats. Read More…

TrustedSec: Security to Evolve Beyond Threats

Organizational security against all dangers is difficult these days, and the lack of such security measures has resulted in numerous hazards for many enterprises. TrustedSec is a cybersecurity consulting firm that specializes in attack simulations and strategic risk management. TrustedSec is dedicated to improving the security posture of enterprises throughout the world, with a staff recruited not only for knowledge and technical talent but also for ethical character and devotion.Read More…
