
White Knight Labs: Pushing Boundaries of Traditional Penetration Testing

John Stigerwalt


“At White Knight Labs, we pride ourselves on our commitment to client success and security. In fact, our focus on innovation and excellence ensures that we remain at the forefront of the penetration testing industry”

In the digital era, businesses around the globe face challenges such as evolving cyber threats, compliance requirements, and the need to protect sensitive data. White Knight Labs, a tactical cybersecurity company specializing in penetration testing addresses these challenges by offering comprehensive and adaptive services. What sets White Knight Labs apart is its unique approach: each engagement is treated as a real live attack to simulate the actions of actual hackers. “We offer tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring comprehensive coverage and protection,” begins John Stigerwalt, CEO, White Knight Labs.

As a pioneer in the industry, White Knight Labs offers multiple offensive cyber engagement strategies, including red team operations, insider threat assessments, and ransomware simulations. The primary strategy is to approach each test as a simulated attack, pushing the boundaries of traditional penetration testing. This approach uncovers true vulnerabilities that others may miss, providing clients with a realistic understanding of their security posture. The company's web application testing methodology is unique, testing against all relevant OWASP Top 10 and SANS CWE Top 25 vulnerabilities. Engineers follow a custom internal playbook, developed from years of testing experience. White Knight Labs employs a 20/80 testing standard, where 20% of the testing is automated and 80% is manual, ensuring thorough coverage.

Network penetration testing is another key service offered by White Knight Labs. The focus is not just on obtaining Domain Admin access but also on finding and securing critical data such as PII or PHI that could cripple a business if compromised. Detailed reports include all vulnerabilities found, and tests are carefully executed to avoid downtime. Active Directory scans are included as part of the internal testing if an AD environment is available.

White Knight Labs' simulation and emulation testing provide businesses with a realistic understanding of their security vulnerabilities by mimicking actual attack scenarios. This proactive approach allows businesses to identify and fix weaknesses before they can be exploited. The company uses the latest threat intelligence and continuously updates its testing methodologies to ensure the simulation of the most relevant and current threats. White Knight Labs operates like a military unit, with each team specifically created to excel in their designated roles, such as web application penetration testing. The company does not overlap teams or use engineers outside their expertise. The exclusive hiring of senior and principal engineers, who have proven themselves in the field, ensures that clients receive top-tier testing services. This specialization and focus on excellence set White Knight Labs apart from the competition. “At White Knight Labs, we pride ourselves on our commitment to client success and security. In fact, our focus on innovation and excellence ensures that we remain at the forefront of the penetration testing industry,” extols Stigerwalt.

To safeguard against future digital threats, White Knight Labs emphasizes continuous improvement and adaptation. The team stays abreast of the latest developments in cybersecurity, regularly updating tools and techniques to reflect emerging threats. This forward-thinking approach ensures that clients are prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow’s digital landscape with confidence. “Our team stays abreast of the latest developments in cybersecurity, and we regularly update our tools and techniques to reflect emerging threats,” adds (CEO). A notable example of White Knight Labs' expertise is when a client faced a significant challenge with insider threats, particularly a critical vulnerability in their internal application that could have exposed millions of customer records. White Knight Labs conducted an insider threat assessment and identified the vulnerability, providing detailed recommendations for remediation. The thorough testing and expert analysis helped the client secure their application, preventing a potential data breach and safeguarding the personal information of millions of customers.

White Knight Labs is expanding internationally and continuing to grow its U.S. team. The company is committed to securing clients worldwide, one at a time. By constantly developing new service offerings, White Knight Labs stays ahead of the competition and addresses the evolving needs of clients. The focus on innovation and excellence ensures that White Knight Labs remains at the forefront of the penetration testing industry. “Our continuous investment in training and development for our team ensures that we provide cutting-edge services, keeping our clients safe in an ever-changing digital landscape,” concludes Stigerwalt.