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Thrive on Risk with Continuous, Cognitive, and Cloud Strategies: MetricStream Leads the Way with Connected GRC

Top 10 Risk Intelligence Solution Providers 2024

CyberProof: Comprehensive Cyber Defense Solutions

Digital transformation promises improved efficiency, agility, and innovation, but also opens dangerous new avenues for cyberattacks. As companies shift their operations online and to the cloud, their attack surfaces expand exponentially. Unfortunately, cybersecurity has not kept pace. Enterprises struggle to anticipate, adapt to, and respond to the rising tide of increasingly sophisticated threats targeting their Read More…

TextOre: Turning Data Deluges into Strategic Assets

The amount of data in the world is exploding exponentially. By 2025, it's estimated there will be 175 zettabytes of data, up from less than 50 zettabytes in 2019. While data holds invaluable insights, over 80% of this information needs to be more structured - think social posts, images, audio files, video footage, and more. Tapping into the knowledge hidden within massive volumes of messy data represents an Read More…
